Easy Morning Stretches To Get The Body Going - AHMAD PAZIL BIN MD ISA




Easy Morning Stretches To Get The Body Going


It's pretty safe to say that stretching is one of the most satisfying acts ever.

Stretching is when one deliberately lengthens their muscles. Aside from health benefits such as increased muscle flexibility, corrected body posture and improved blood circulation, stretches leave us with a great sense of satisfaction and relief! Top that up with the fact that the activity is one of the easiest ways to improve one's agility, having a daily routine of stretching when you've just woken up from a deep slumber can be one of the better ways to get your juices flowing, body active, and straighten out odd sleeping positions.

Here are some easy morning stretches for you to try out when you wake up;

Reaching Far

When you've just opened your eyes and still lying on your bed, point your toes as far away from you and reach your hands above your head. Then, stretch simultaneously in both directions and hold while you count to ten before relaxing again. Repeat for two to three more times.

Upward Stretch

When seated, lace your fingers together in front of your body, and slowly raise your arms above your head with the palms facing upward. Do that while extending your spine and hold for 10 seconds. You should be able to feel the stretch in your ribcage and arms.

Neck and Shoulder Stretch

While sitting down, slowly turn your left ear toward your left shoulder and hold for 15 seconds. Repeat for the other side and stretch opposite direction. After that, roll your shoulders to the back, to the front and lift them right up to your ears while tensing the muscles. Drop them completely and repeat the whole session for three more times.

Torso Twists

Sit on the edge of you bed while facing forward, fold your arms across your chest and slowly turn your upper body to one side. Hold for five seconds and slowly twist to the other side. Repeat the whole procedure for a couple of times (about 8 sets).

Hamstring Stretches

Lie on your back with your left knee bent (foot on the bed). Lift your right leg up while holding the back of the thigh with both hands. Keeping the leg straight, gently pull the leg towards your abdomen. Stretch, point and flex your ankle as you hold the position for 10 seconds. Switch legs and repeat.

And while you're at it, perhaps you could try these other morning rituals to get them positive vibes flowing and setting a grateful tone for the day?

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