Dr M: Not yet time for BN to become one multiracial party - AHMAD PAZIL BIN MD ISA




Dr M: Not yet time for BN to become one multiracial party

 Dr M: Not yet time for BN to become one multiracial party Read more: Dr M: Not yet time for BN to become one multiracial party - Latest - New Straits Times http://www.nst.com.my/latest/dr-m-not-yet-time-for-bn-to-become-one-multiracial-party-1.293004?cache=03%2F7.188446%3Fpage%3D0%3Fpage%3D0%3Fkey%3DKuala+Lumpur%3Fkey%3DMalaysia%3Fpage%3D0%2F7.243907#ixzz2VCSQBq00

YOGYAKARTA -- Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said the time had not come yet for Barisan Nasional (BN) to become one party open to all races in the country.

The former prime minister said the best approach at present was cooperation among the various (BN) component parties representing the different races, under the concept of sharing, that was, sharing of power and the nation's wealth.
"We cannot sideline the parties that represent their communities. Although in BN there are many multiracial parties, in reality they are dominated by only one race.
"If we look at Gerakan, it is called a multiracial party but is dominated by the Chinese. So, we have not reached the stage where we can set aside race and come under one party," he told Bernama, Monday.
Dr Mahatir is here is deliver a public lecture on Global Peace and Conflict Resolution in conjunction with the official opening of the Mahathir Global Peace School at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.
He said BN should not be hasty in accepting suggestions on the set-up and and form of the party for the future as all these suggestions must be studied in depth on the positive and negative effects.

"For instance, there is a proposal to have only one party (for BN components) that will be open to all races. We cannot be sure yet whether such a party can function or not.
"DAP is claimed to be a multiracial party but it is actually controlled by the Chinese. It is the same with PKR (Parti Keadilan Rakyat) which is controlled by the Malays.
"Hence, it is usually the case where a party was set up as multiracial but one race dominates, so this does not make the party multiracial," he said.
On whether BN could accept the entry of opposition parties into its fold like in the days of the Alliance, Dr Mahathir said BN was open to opposition parties but they must set aside their principles that were in conflict with BN's struggles.
On Umno's performance in the 13th general election (GE13) last month, he said although the party won the most seats for BN, it still had many weaknesses.
"Umno's victory this time was not due to its strength or unity within the party, but the fear of the Malays, especially if the party led by (Datuk Seri) Anwar Ibrahim together with DAP would form the government.
"If they have managed to form the government in Malaysia, the Malays will be worse off. That was why most of the Malay voters gave their support to Umno in the GE13," he said. -- BERNAMA

Yogyakarta: Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad berkata, belum sampai masanya bagi Barisan Nasional (BN) untuk menjadi sebuah parti yang terbuka kepada rakyat berbilang kaum di Malaysia.

Bekas Perdana Menteri berkata, pendekatan terbaik pada masa ini ialah kerjasama antara parti-parti yang mewakili kaum dalam konsep perkongsian kuasa dan kekayaan negara.
Kita tak boleh ketepikan parti yang mewakili kaum mereka. Walaupun dalam BN, ada parti-parti yang berbilang kaum, tetapi pada hakikatnya parti yang mendakwa dirinya sebagai berbilang kaum juga didominasi satu kaum saja.

Kalau kita lihat parti GERAKAN sebagai sebuah parti berbilang kaum, tapi ia dikuasai oleh orang Cina, jadi belum sampai masa kita boleh ketepikan kaum dan kita adakan satu parti, katanya kepada BERNAMA di sini.

Dikuasai satu kaum

Kita lihat DAP umpamanya dikatakan berbilang kaum, tapi sebenarnya dikuasai oleh orang Cina. Demikian juga dengan PKR dikuasai oleh orang Melayu.

Walaupun diadakan satu parti berbilang kaum, satu-satu kaum akan mendominasi dan ini tidak menjadikannya sebuah parti berbilang kaum, kata Dr Mahathir.
Beliau berada di sini kerana memberi syarahan umum mengenai Keamanan Global dan Penyelesaian Konflik sempena perasmian Mahathir Global Peace School di Universiti Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY).

Dr Mahathir berkata, BN tidak boleh tergesa-gesa menerima sesuatu cadangan mengenai corak dan bentuk parti itu di masa depan, sebaliknya semua cadangan perlu dikaji dengan mendalam akan kesan baik dan buruknya.

Ditanya mengenai sama ada BN boleh menerima kemasukan parti-parti pembangkang selepas Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 (PRU-13) seperti Perikatan pada suatu masa lalu membawa masuk parti pembangkang ke dalam parti gabungan itu.

Dr Mahathir berkata BN terbuka kepada parti pembangkang, tetapi mereka mestilah membelakangkan prinsip mereka yang bertentangan dengan perjuangan BN.

Nasib Melayu

Mengenai prestasi UMNO pada PRU-13, Dr Mahathir berkata walaupun parti itu menjadi parti terbesar yang menang dalam pilihan raya itu, ia masih berdepan banyak kelemahan.

Kemenangan UMNO kali ini bukan kerana kekuatan UMNO atau perpaduan dalam UMNO, kemenangan UMNO kali ini disebabkan oleh perasaan takut orang Melayu, terutama kalau-kalau parti lawan yang dipimpin oleh Anwar Ibrahim bersama dengan DAP mendirikan kerajaan di Malaysia.

Kalau mereka mendirikan kerajaan di Malaysia, sudah tentu nasib orang Melayu akan menjadi lebih buruk. Sebab itu mereka memberi sokongan kepada UMNO, kata Dr Mahathir.

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