
KRIS ALLEN juara American Idol

American Idol: Kris grabs the title!
A new singing sensation was born yesterday amid the confetti and glitterati. PHILIP LIM joins the world in welcoming the new American Idol

1,500 Idol fans join local blog for grand finale
PETALINGJAYA:Some 1,500 American Idol fans from all over the world joinedR.AGEBlogChat to give realtime comments on the showdown between thetop twofinalists Kris Allen and Adam Lambert.

Kris Allen juarai American Idol
LOSANGELES21 Mei - Kelancaran vokal dan imej kacak yang ditonjolkan olehKrisAllen membolehkannya menjuarai American Idol semalam,mengalahkanpesaingnya, Adam Lambert, yang sebelum ini disebut-sebutsebagaipemenang.

Kris Allen juara American Idol
NEWYORK:Kris Allen hanya mampu menggelengkan kepala dengan perasaantidakpercaya dan terkejut, apabila beliau dinobatkan sebagai juaraAmericanIdol, mengalahkan peserta 'favourite' Adam Lambert semalam.

Lambert kalah kerana gay?
DIGELARunderdog dan 'kuda hitam' oleh juri American Idol terutamaSimon Cowell,namun karakter dan penampilan sederhana milik Kris Allennyata membawatuah apabila Amerika Syarikat telah secara rasmimengesahkan dia sebagaiJuara American Idol ( AI8 ) untuk musim kelapanyang baru menutupedisinya, Rabu lalu.

'Ini memang gila'
SELAMAinidia tidak pernah disebut-sebut sebagai peserta yang bakalmerangkulgelaran American Idol musim kelapan. Malah sewaktu pengacararancanganitu, Ryan Crest mengumumkan nama pemenang, dia jugamenggelarkan jejakaberusia 23 tahun itu sebagai peserta "underdog".

Kris Allen takes the 'American Idol' title

By LYNN ELBER, AP Television Writer

LOS ANGELES – Kris Allen's smooth vocals and boy-next-door image propelled him to "American Idol" victory Wednesday, turning the theatrical powerhouse Adam Lambert into the most unlikely of also-rans.

"I'm sorry, I don't even know what to feel right now. This is crazy," said a stunned Allen, 23, of Conway, Ark.

As host Ryan Seacrest said in announcing the result of the viewer vote, "The underdog, the dark horse, comes back and wins the nation over."

Lambert's commanding vocal range and stage presence — and the judges' adoration of him — at times turned "Idol" into "The Adam Lambert Show," with the other contestants mere guests. But it turned out that "Idol" viewers could embrace a gifted performer like Lambert, one who sported black nail polish and bold self-assurance, only to a point.

Simon Cowell tipped his hat to both contestants Wednesday.

"To both of you, and I don't normally mean this, I thought you were both brilliant. .... The future's all yours," the judge said.

Before the results were announced, Lambert and Allen had a moment of musical camaraderie: They joined together with Queen on the rock anthem "We Are the Champions."

"Adam did win. So did Kris. Nobody lost tonight. These are two champions," said Paul Stanley from Kiss backstage.

The outcome echoed last year's contest, when Cowell all but crowned David Archuleta after the performance finale — but the victory went to David Cook.

Lambert's triumph was never inevitable. When Allen and Lambert were declared the finalists last week, just 1 million viewer votes separated the pair out of 88 million cast.

Allen bloomed during the season, gaining more assurance onstage and winning viewers over with his smooth, heartfelt vocals, modest demeanor and well-scrubbed good looks.

There was also the Danny Gokey factor. Gokey made it to the top three before he fell out of the contest, leaving his supporters up for grabs.

"After the third one leaves, you wonder where do the votes go from that third contestant," Paula Abdul said backstage after Tuesday's singing showdown.

Allen seemed the likely candidate for those viewers' affections, for on- and offstage reasons. Allen and Gokey, 29, of Milwaukee, were downright conservative when compared to Lambert's elaborate staging and wardrobe choices. Allen is a married college student and has worked as a church worship leader. Gokey, a widower, is a church music director.

Lambert, 27, of Los Angeles, brought measured rock flashiness — daring, not freaky — with songs including "Whole Lotta Love," the first-ever Led Zeppelin tune on "Idol." He's largely kept his personal life under wraps, saying "I know who I am" when asked about it.

Earlier this week, Allen said he hoped the outcome wouldn't be decided by "having the Christian vote."

"I hope it has to do with your talent and the performance that you give and the package that you have. It's not about religion and all that kind of stuff," he said.

Added Lambert: "It's about music. That's really important to keep in mind."

The finale Wednesday included the usual bag of tricks for extending the show to two hours and delaying the result until the final minutes. There were group numbers, the Golden Idol Award — semifinalist funnyman Nick "Norman Gentle" Mitchell among the contenders — and celebrity-contestant combos.

Allen was joined by Keith Urban on "Kiss a Girl," while Lambert performed with Kiss. The female finalists, including Allison Iraheta, opened up for Fergie, who sang "Big Girls Don't Cry" and then was joined by her group, the Black Eyed Peas.

Iraheta later dueted with Cyndi Lauper on "Time After Time" and Danny Gokey joined Lionel Richie for two tunes.

Rod Stewart sang "Maggie May" after the male finalists opened for him with "Do Ya Think I'm Sexy."

An offbeat guest was Steve Martin, the actor-comedian who also specializes in the banjo. He played his song "Pretty Flowers" with finalists Megan Joy and Michael Sarver on vocals.

Asked by Seacrest to guess who might win "American Idol," Martin replied: "I know it's a long shot, but I'm hoping I do."

Allen rose to the occasion during Tuesday's performance show, especially with his soulful version of "Ain't No Sunshine." But he was tripped up by "No Boundaries," a song co-written by judge Kara DioGuardi and ill-suited to his voice.

Lambert did a better job with "No Boundaries" and excelled on his reprise of "Mad World" and on "A Change is Gonna Come."

"That was the best I've ever heard you sing — ever!" exclaimed Abdul.

Kris Allen juara American Idol

Dua finalis American Idol, Adam Lambert (kiri) dan Kris Allen. Gelaran juara menjadi milik Allen - foto AP

LOS ANGELES: Kris Allen telah dinobatkan sebagai juara baru American Idol, menewaskan seorang lagi finalis program realiti popular itu, Adam Lambert.

Secara keseluruhannya, lebih kurang 100 juta undian diterima untuk kedua-dua finalis tersebut. Allen, 23, merupakan seorang pelajar manakala Lambert, 27, adalah seorang pelakon teater dari San Diego.

Allen dilihat bersandarkan kepada vokalnya yang lancar dan imej boy-next-door (bersahaja) untuk menjadi juara American Idol.

"Saya minta maaf, saya pun tidak tahu bagaimana perasaan sekarang. Ia benar-benar 'gila'," kata Allen.

Lambert juga mempunyai lontaran vokal hebat dan aura di atas pentas selain menjadi 'pujaan' pengkritik-pengkritik tetap American Idol. Simon Cowell, salah seorang pengkritik program ini turut memuji persembahan kedua-dua finalis itu semalam.

"Kepada anda berdua, saya jarang bercakap begini, saya rasa anda berdua memberikan persembahan yang luar biasa..... Masa depan terletak dalam tangan anda," kata Simon.

Sebelum keputusan akhir diumumkan, Lambert dan Allen berduet menerusi lagu We Are the Champions bersama anggota kumpulan Queen.

Persembahan akhir yang berlangsung semalam turut diselitkan dengan beberapa acara selingan sehingga ia berlarutan sehinggan dua jam.

A look at 'American Idol' winners

By DERRIK J. LANG, AP Entertainment Writer – Wed May 20, 8:11 pm ET

A look at the winners of Fox's "American Idol" and what they've been up to since taking home the prize:

• Kelly Clarkson: The 27-year-old singer has released four albums since winning the first "Idol." Her name was immortalized in 2005 when Steve Carell screamed it out after getting his chest waxed in "The 40-Year-Old Virgin." Clarkson currently has two singles, "My Life Would Suck Without You" and "I Do Not Hook Up," on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.

• Ruben Studdard: The 30-year-old crooner has also released four albums since winning the second season, including the 2004 gospel record "I Need an Angel." He is currently starring as Fats Waller in a national tour of "Ain't Misbehavin'." Studdard's most recent album, "Love IS," dropped Tuesday and features a mix of romance-themed covers and original tunes.

• Fantasia Barrino: The 24-year-old singer has released two albums, "Free Yourself" and "Fantasia." Barrino played herself in a 2006 Lifetime TV film based on her autobiography, "Life Is Not a Fairy Tale." She starred as Celie in the Broadway musical version of "The Color Purple" in 2007 and will reprise her role in a national tour later this year.

• Carrie Underwood: The 26-year-old country crooner is arguably the singing competition's most successful winner, becoming a Grammy-winning, multi-platinum selling recording artist with her two albums, "Some Hearts" and "Carnival Rides." Underwood captured the entertainer of the year award at last month's Academy of Country Music Awards in Las Vegas.

• Taylor Hicks: The 32-year-old Soul Patrol leader's first, self-titled album went platinum but never generated the acclaim or hype of winners like Clarkson or Underwood. He later went on to play Teen Angel in the Broadway and national touring casts of "Grease." Hicks released a second album in March under his own label after leaving Arista Records.

• Jordin Sparks: The 19-year-old singer's self-titled first album debuted at No. 10 on Billboard. After winning the sixth season, Sparks performed the national anthem at Super Bowl XLII and defended the Jonas Brothers at last year's MTV Video Music Awards when host Russell Brand joked about their purity rings. She will release her second album in July.

• David Cook: The 26-year-old rocker released his self-titled debut album in November and is currently touring the country. He dueted with Underwood on Fleetwood Mac's "Go Your Own Way" at the opening of an "Idol" attraction at Disney World. Cook's older brother, who famously cheered for him in the "Idol" audience, died from brain cancer earlier this month.


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